CKS Marketing Communications has worked with a variety of businesses and organizations including:
A few client samples in our portfolio are provided below.
- AceApplications | event | Marketing Communications
- ActionPoint Marketing
- Advanced IT Concepts, Inc. (AITC)
website | logo | PPP | brochure | booth | Florida TREP June/July 2017 issue - Advanced Technologies, Inc. | brochure
- African American Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida
- AIT Engineering
- Alluvionic event | event | postcard | graphic | Florida TREP Jan/Feb 2018 issue | Marketing Communications
- CEO Nexus
- Cole Engineering Services Inc. (CESI)
style guide | flyer | flyer | flyer | folder | cyber | banner | banner | banner - Destination MCO
- Digital Media Alliance of Florida
- Enterprise Development Corporation (EDC)
- Employment Technologies
- Fleri
- Florida Angel Nexus | logo
- Florida Business Incubation Association (FBIA)
- Florida Engineering Group (FEG)
- Florida Research Consortium
- Florida Venture Forum
- GB Painting | website | logo
- GPSERV | advertisement
- Home Event Incubators (HEI)
- ITFlorida
- IZEA, Inc.
- JCJ Insurance
- JW Machine | website | logo
- Kavaliro
- Kick Off For Kids
- Knight Federal Solutions | website
- My New Home Outlet | website | logo
- NAWBO Orlando | flyer
- Nemours Children’s Hospital
- Olde Hearth Bread Company | website | logo
- On Demand Chauffeur | website
- OSC Edge
header | handout | tabletop - Orlando Opportunity Fund
- RB Advisory LLC
- Second Chance Veterans Foundation | event | event
- SkyePoint Decisions
- StarterStudio
- Sterilize with Light
- Tech Sassy Girlz | Florida TREP Jan/Feb 2018 issue | Marketing Communications
- Technology Research Development Authority (TRDA)
- TriBay Construction LLC
- The Kimball Companies
- UCF Office of Research & Commercialization
- SpaceTech Symposium Series
- GrowFL (Florida Companies to Watch and CEO Summit events) | 2011 inaugural program | video | video
- MegaWatt Ventures Business Plan Competition | flyer
- The Art of the Start featuring Guy Kawasaki (2004)
- UCF Business Incubation Program | website | brochure | newsletter
- UCF Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship | website | calendar | newsletter | video
- UCF I-Corps | website | logo | video
- UCF Venture Lab
- Vanishing Point | logo0
- Veteran Entrepreneurship Initiative(VEI)
Over the years, we have partnered with
various agencies such as:
- 2020 Media Inc.
- ActionPoint Marketing
- Becker Public Relations
- Casto Communications
- Cherise Czaban Marketing
- Curley & Pynn
- Linda Costa Communications Group
- Noble Communications and Strategic Online Marketing
- Zeszutko Public Relations
Read what some of our customers are saying…
We welcome the opportunity to help your organization meet your challenges and achieve your goals.
“I am your best fan! I always speak of you with great admiration. Your media connections, experience and wisdom was extremely valuable. I will be honored to help you. If we had a healthier budget we would hire you for more!”Phyllis Chen, JW Machine
“Jason, she was our Marketing Consultant, not just social media. We did not hire her to produce any business, we hired her to improve our image and she more then delivered. She definitely changed our image! Christa truly transformed the way we do business and our own mindset by developing a comprehensive marketing plan that encompasses all aspects of our business, and all marketing segments (printed, web site, blogging, Twitter, Facebook, etc)”Gabriel Ruiz, Advanced IT Concepts (AITC)
“When I was referred to CKS Marketing and made contact with Christa Santos I had low expectations as a result of dealing with other marketing firms for my small business and not having a good experience with either. Christa and her team exceeded my expectations and did so with the professionalism and personal attention that ensures a long-term relationship between us. Unlike other marketing firms CKS listened to our needs and desires, made suggestions, educated us in what might be best for the future of our firm in regards to bringing in new business and did all of this within our budget. CKS worked promptly and responded in a timely manner and their communication exceeded what seems to be the norm in business today. Their knowledge of marketing, attention to detail, attention to their client and the final products produced and ‘unveiled’ to the public are more than I could have hoped for. I will not hesitate to refer CKS Marketing to other small business owners for all of their marketing needs. It has truly been a pleasure working with Christa and her entire team at CKS Marketing!”Mark Bay, TriBay Construction
“Christa and I have worked together for over twenty years. During this time she has demonstrated a great interest and dedication to the field of marketing. Due to her strong work ethic and professionalism, I feel confident in recommending her as a source of support for your marketing efforts”.Gordon H Hogan, Director, UCF Business Incubation Program
“I LOVE it! I love the coloring as well, very bold.”Donna Gardinier, Advanced Technologies
“Christa Santos is one of our region’s best events managers.”Randy Berridge, former President, Florida High Tech Corridor Council
“I want to express my thanks to Christa and her team for making the marketing campaign for the Florida Economic Gardening Institute a wonderful success. The artwork, design, layout and content she assembled, is “on target” for communicating our programs’ services and influencing audiences about the value of our economic development program.”Linda Nelson, GrowFL
“Christa, Tom, Fran, Kerry, Linda, Lynn and everyone else involved in the conference; I just wanted to thank you for the excellent organization and media coverage for the conference. It was superb to a T-everything from the evening reception, catering, venue, to the smooth registration, great looking agenda, powerpoints, speaker agenda and the after conference reception. You were all professionals and excellent hosts. I think you helped advance the EG cause and we will use Florida as our model for other states (which currently include GA, IN, KS, LA, AZ and MN but with others in the pipeline including NE, MI, SC, OR and maybe MS.) We spent the next three days in Florida and I now have a severe sunburn while looking at the snow on the Rocky Mts.”Chris Gibbons, Economic Gardening Institute, City of Littleton, CO
“OUTSTANDING…awesome! You are incredible!”Phil Halstead, Florida LambdaRail, LLCCentral Florida Regional Health Innovation Summit
“I am writing to thank you for the tremendous effort you put forth to make EDC’s annual Life Science conference a great success. The comments back have been just terrific, and I didn’t have a single complaint about anything. People said that it was the best conference of its type, the perfect size, the right conversation, very informative, perfect venue, great food, great looking materials, brilliant speakers…all good! Everything went off without a hitch, despite our last-minute agenda change, videotaping, additional PowerPoints, etc. and I received a lot of compliments about the professionalism of ‘my staff’ and the great energy that we bring to everything that we do. Thank you so much for your hard work and commitment to EDC – I couldn’t do it without you!”Jane Teague, former Executive Director, Enterprise Development Corp. of South Florida
“Your hard work showed in the implementation of the first annual International Brain Conference at UCF – thank you for making it a success! I look forward to working with you and another successful event next year”.Kristen Colton, Florida Hospital, Cancer Institute & Neuroscience Institute
“At first, I was somewhat skeptical, since it was already the last day of the SPIE conference, and I was just plain exhausted at that point. However, at the end I was really glad that I had attended, and so thank you again for inviting me to that presentation. I thought what Dr. Chang said was probably one of the best presentation that I had attended for that whole week. To me, that was not just a “Home Run”, it was “Out-of-the-Park”!!!! I hope you send a copy of that presentation to every college and high school campus in Florida, because I think every college and high school students (regardless of their disciplines) should hear that message from Dr. Chang, which was truly inspirational. I think and believe the next generations of Milton Changs are out there in already in these college and high school campuses, they just need the right encouragements and guidance to become ready. Once again, congratulation on a job well done!”William Wan, Lockheed Martin